Conclusion - Policy
To conclude my blog I will recap on the following points and mention the policy behind inclusion in the classroom. To begin with ethnomathematics is the cultural background people have of math. In the classroom there will be many different cultures from many different countries. There will also be many different cultures from the same countries and also, similar cultures from different countries. All in all what I am saying is that everyone is different and they will bring there own knowledge and understandings. As a teacher it is our responsibility to use different approaches that cater to all students learning needs. To best harness the ethnomathematical knowledge of ATSI students, it is wise to alter ones pedagogical approach to one of the 8 ways of learning. Also, to get the best from the community it is important to take a multifaceted approach to sharing knowledge in and outside the classroom. Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians, is the federal do...